Day 5 Prayer Focus for Back Walkers 3.21.12 – Marcela on Live Stream

This morning on the 8:30 (PST) live stream, Marcela Garcia gave her testimony.

Click here to view Marcela’s testimony on live stream.

from Back to Life –

Prayer Guide for Day 5 – Wednesday, March 21


“Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning…Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed…” (Gen. 9:5-6) ”Yet even now, return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning…Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing.” (Joel 2:12-14).

Worship and thank Jesus for shedding His blood to give us abundant life Thank God for looking for those who would stand in the gap for our nation Repent for the innocent bloodshed of 54 million babies and the curse we’ve brought

upon our nation through the sin of abortion Cry out to God for mercy upon America to hold back judgment, remove the curse of

bloodguilt and heal our land



“Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning…Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed…” (Gen. 9:5-6) ”Yet even now, return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning…Who knows? He may turn and have pity and leave behind a blessing.” (Joel 2:12-14).


• For shedding His blood to give us abundant life. (John 10:10; Heb 13:12) • For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in

lovingkindness, making available hope for our nation to turn (Joel 2:12-13, Neh 9:31) • Give thanks to God for inviting us to return to Him, with repentant hearts, that He

might show mercy, hold back judgment and bring healing to our hearts and our land

(Joel 2:12-13; 1 Chr 7:14; 1 John 1:8-9) • Thank God for looking for those who would stand in the gap before Him, on behalf of

the nation, that He might not destroy it (Psalm 106:23; Eze 22:30)

REPENT on behalf of our nation:

• For the innocent bloodshed of 54 million aborted babies in our nation (Psa 106:37-40; Jer 14:20-2; Luke 11:50)

• For bringing defilement and invoking judgment upon our land through the shedding of innocent blood (Gen 9:5-6; Num 35:33-34; Lev 17:4; Neh 9:11-12; Jer 18:7-10)


• Declare that there is power in the blood of Jesus to cleanse us of our bloodguilt and atone for the curse of death upon our land (Rom 3:24-25; 1 John 1:8-9)

• As priests unto God, we apply the blood of Jesus–the perfect Lamb–over the innocent blood that’s been shed in our nation (1 Pet 1:18-19, 2:9)

• Cry out to God for mercy upon America, asking God to cleanse innocent bloodshed and remove the curse on our land (Isa 55:7; Pro 28:13)

• Pray for awareness come over this land for the high price we have paid for abortion, resulting in far-sweeping repentance throughout the nation (Ezra 9:6-10; Dan 9:4-19)

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