Day 14 Prayer Focus for Back to Life Walkers 3.30.12


From Back to Life –


“God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.” (Acts 10:34-35) If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well; but if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors.” (James 2:8-9)

• Worship and thank the Lord, our strong deliverer, who commands the life blessing upon us. • Repent on behalf of shepherds within minority communities for not carrying out their

responsibility to deliver the flock from the devouring force of abortion. • Ask God to raise up deliverers; messengers of truth that will expose abortions’ racist eugenic

agenda, igniting righteous indignation and an effective response en masse.



• Worship and thank the Lord, our strong deliverer, who is mighty to save us from destruction (Exo 6:6; Psa 140:7; Luke 1:69; Isa 63:1; Psa 108:13; 109:31; James 4:12)

• Worship God, who is love and who delights in the unity of the brethren and the bond of peace, commanding His blessing of life forevermore (Psa 133; 1 Jn 3:16-17; 4:7-21; Eph 2:14; 4:3-6; Phi 2:3; Gal 3:28)


Most abortion clinics are strategically placed in minority neighborhoods. Minority women constitute 36% of all abortions, with 1 in 3 among Latinas and 1 in 2 among African Americans. We are witnessing black genocide; a people targeted for death, currently decreasing at a increasing rate. • We confess and repent for the roots of racism and prejudice that still exist within our own

hearts, which have kept us from rising up to defend and protect others. (1 Pet 3:8-9; Eph

5:1-2, 1 Jn 3:16-17; Gal 5:13) • We repent on behalf of leaders within our community who have not concerned themselves

with the truth concerning the intentional eugenic plans of the abortion industry to eliminate certain groups of people based on the color of their skin (i.e., Negro Project). (Pro 24:11-12; Psa 52:3; Mat 13:13-15)

• We repent on behalf of shepherds within minority communities who have not carried out their responsibility to deliver the flock from the devouring force of abortion. (Pro 24:11-12; Eze 34:2; 8-11; Jude 1:12; John 10:10-12; 21:15)

• We repent on behalf of Church and community leaders who have, through speech or silence, served as pawns of the eugenicists by supporting laws that felonized interracial marriage and encouraged minority families to limit their size through abortion, sterilization or the prohibition of interracial marriage under the guise of “racial integrity” and “responsible family planning”. (1 Jn 1:11; 4:1; 1 Th 5:21; 2 Pet 2:1; Pro 31:8-9, 24:11-12)


• Ask God to release light and truth, issuing a call to conscience across America concerning the swift sickle of racism that is abortion. (Eph 1:17-18; Psa 7:11; Acts 9:18; John 16:13; 2 Pet 2:1)

• Ask God to release a spirit of unity and brotherly love that would cause us to rise up as deliverers for these unsuspecting people groups from the destructive hand of the enemy. (Psa 133; 1 Jn 3:166-17; 4:7-21; Eph 4:3; Phi 2:3)

• Ask God to raise up messengers of truth in mainstream media, church pulpits and community meetings nationwide who will boldly expose the diabolical racist roots and ongoing agenda of the abortion industry, igniting righteous indignation and an effective response from within minority communities en masse. (Est 4:14; Exo 9:16-17; Jer 3:15; Prov 31:8-9; 224:11-12; 1 Jn 3:16-17)

• Ask God for a restoration within the African American and Latino communities in America of the joy, value, and love attributed to having large families. (Mal 2:15; 4:6; Jn 16:21; Psa 115:14-15; 127:3-5; Pro 23:24)

• Pray for the restoration of the womb of the African American and Latina woman as the safest place for a child, eliminating the demand for abortion and sterilization services within these communities. (Tit 2:4; Mal 4:6; Deut 32:11; Jn 16:21; Prov 23:25; 31:2)

• Ignite revival within minority communities nationwide in the power and spirit of Elijah; returning the hearts of the fathers and mothers toward their children. (Mal 4:6; Psa 127:3-5)

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray. Amen.

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Filed under Back to Life, Pro-LIFE

One response to “Day 14 Prayer Focus for Back to Life Walkers 3.30.12

  1. Thank you for sharing, and God bless you.

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