Category Archives: Bound4LIFE

Back to Life in Bound4LIFE blog

From Bound4LIFE blog.

It’s not a parade, it’s a prophecy

Posted by Susan Michelle on March 19, 2012

On Saturday morning I woke up and read my Twitter feed. Among the tweets were comments from someone who had marched in a parade that morning and someone who had started walking to end abortion that morning. The contrast of the two was striking to me. Of course there’s nothing wrong with marching in a parade; that wasn’t the issue. Instead, it was the juxtaposition of a society that praises parades and pardons abortion.

While most weekends across the United States, bands, drill teams colorguards, and floats line the streets and show off their talents to a community or even to Times Square, this past weekend 39 women started walking over 270 miles to bring awareness, open eyes, and fight the injustice of abortion by being a prophetic testimony across Texas.

The Back to Life Movement, headed by Laura Allred, is about 39 women making an historic walk from the nation’s largest abortion center to the courthouse where Roe v. Wade began. Women have been training all over the nation since September and last week converged on the Lone Star state to walk these miles, rain or heat, blisters or exhaustion. And this is no parade.

These women aren’t here to entertain you, but to be a living testimony and a prophetic voice to cry out, one woman for each of the 39 years that Roe v. Wade has helped destroy the lives of the unborn in our land.

These women seriously aren’t a parade. Ironically, their permits from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) don’t even allow them to be one without violating their TXDOT permits; that’s a logistical issue, but even as far as the TXDOT goes, they aren’t a parade.

These ladies are part of a walk for LIFE, a statement of truth in an age of deception. What looks like a parade of women near interstate 45 between Houston and Dallas is actually a powerful statement of LIFE, crying out for the ending of abortion and the rise of justice in a nation that has decided life and death are in the power of the choice.

Psalm 94 says, “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You? They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood” (Ps:. 94: 20-21).

Today’s culture in our nation is no different. We devise evil by law in justifying policies that shed innocent blood. Gathering in Congress and courts, in governments and voting booths, we have stood against the righteous and condemn innocent blood to death.

The back to Life Movement is calling for a decree to reverse the death cries of a nation. The walk not to parade themselves, but to declare LIFE. It may seem a mild contrast to bystanders, but to those who understand, it’s a bold statement with a massive distinction.

The irony of this juxtaposition of a parade and a prophetic act is that many will look at these 39 women and makes the usual comments about “those anti-abortion people making a scene”—and some will do it as they march their kids out the door to watch a parade downtown. The irony may be lost on many as they labor over floats and hang signs.

In Texas, from last Saturday until Good Friday, 39 women are the sign. Putting feet to their faith they cry out for LIFE.

Please pray for these women and the team that is with them. They live stream every day with various testimonies and stories from their journey.

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