Tag Archives: California

California Abortion Bill SB 1501

What is the California SB 1501?

SB 1501 is a Senate Bill being introduced  by Senator Kehoe (D-SanDiego).  If passed, SB 1501 would allow non-doctors to perform aspiration abortions on women throughout their first trimester.  According to Planned Parenthood, more than half of the counties in California do not have ‘access to care’.   With approximately 522 abortion providers in California, we do not need more ‘access to care’ than we already have.  SB 1501 would move California further and further away from the pro-choice’s own  mantra of  ‘safe, legal and rare’.   As other states are passing bills to protect life in the womb, California is attempting to pass a bill that endangers  women and their unborn child.

From Planned Parenthood website –

“This bill would remove barriers to care by allowing nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physician assistants to provide safe early abortion under the terms of their licenses and will ensure women to receive comprehensive reproductive health care from local providers they know and trust.

Women share their stories – Why SB 1501 is so important! Read the stories>>

All women deserve the same access to care! Low income and underserved women do not have access to comprehensive reproductive health care and as a result, many delay care.

More than half the counties in CA do not have an accessible abortion provider. Without access to providers in her community, a woman must travel a significant distance to receive care. In rural areas some women must drive five hours or travel by bus or train. Allowing these clinicians to perform early safe abortion means women will receive care from providers they know and trust in their own communities.”

According to the Huffington Post –

“If passed, the bill would allow licensed nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nurse midwives to perform aspiration abortions on women in their first trimester. Currently, only doctors and surgeons are authorized to perform that type of abortion. The procedure, also known as “manual vacuum aspiration abortion,” involves passing a small tube into the uterus. The tube is attached to a pump that vacuums fetal tissue away from the uterus. Aspiration can only be performed during the first trimester of pregnancy.”

A spotlight is on the Hispanics.  It is time to rise up and elect pro-life candidates in California!  Let’s make a difference!  Let your vote be a voice for the voiceless.

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Filed under Health Care, Pro-LIFE

Lou Engle Invite to TheCall AVIVA

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Bound4LIFE – Our Story

Our Story

from Bound4LIFE.com

“After 50 days of round-the-clock corporate prayer and fasting before the 2004 elections, a group of prayer warriors, young and old alike, packed up their sleeping bags and headed to Washington, DC, filled with purpose and confidence that prayer could change the course of a nation. Their goal: the ending of abortion and the spread of revival.

In a dream during an extended fast, one of them had seen the image of their mouths covered by tape inscribed with the single word LIFE. For 31 days they stood at the United States Supreme Court in silent prayer with Life Tape. In their silence they identified with the silence of the preborn who have no voice to defend themselves. Their prayers rose day after day to the court that’s higher than the highest court in the land. At that time it was 31 days of prayer for 31 years of legalized abortion in America (Ez 4:4-8). What was birthed during those days of intercession has continued to impact the entire nation, as well as other nations.

It’s clear is that God is looking for people to “stand in the gap” because of the holocaust of abortion (Ez 22:30). It must be a committed, ongoing stand with the intention to remain until justice is released. If you go to the Supreme Court today, you’ll find a company still there. Through rain, blizzards and scorching heat they have never abandoned this “silent siege” against the ideology of abortion—against the political agendas—against the spiritual power structures that prop up the abortion industry (Ez 4:1-3). They are there until the Judges reverse the decree of death.

It’s spreading. What started in DC has now become a movement.

Bound4LIFE is a grassroots prayer mobilization movement targeting the ending of abortion, the increase of adoptions and the reformation of government and society through spiritual awakening. Our mission is to mobilize a massive surge of prayer through:

  • Silent Sieges – Public stands of silent prayer wearing Life Tape in front of courthouses and abortion facilities around the nation.
  • Life Bands – Millions of Christians wearing a red wristband engraved with the word LIFE. Wearing the Life Band is a covenant to PRAY, VOTE & OBEY.

Our stand is NOT a protest. It IS a silent prayer meeting. We make our appeal to the Judge of the earth and ask Him for speedy justice to be released. (Lk 18:7-8). Oh, that God would use the image of Life Tape to subpoena the conscience of the nation!

The media has taken hold of this image and spread it everywhere. It has quickly become a phenomenon that catches the eyes and hearts of the world.

In our silence, we intercede on behalf of our nation and cry out to God for mercy. It is a silence that speaks louder than words as it is also a prophetic statement to all who see it. We’re building up this wall of intercession. You can be a part of this movement now right where you live.”

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Filed under Pro-LIFE

Back To Life Walkers

Marcela, Regional Bound4LIFE/AVIVA  Director, is one of five women featured on the Back to Life website.

From website:


Why am I walking?

As a young Hispanic woman affected by abortion in the most personal way, I am walking out my Trail of Tears, so that Hispanic women affected by abortion will have the courage to break out of their silence, and be a voice to end this injustice in every culture.

Who am I?

I am a young Hispanic woman who has found my purity and innocence through Christ. I love to pray and be a voice for righteousness and justice.


IMPORTANT:  For tax purposes, please do not put your name, but your assigned code in both check memos AND the PayPal “Donation Note” field.

PayPayl Donation Link:  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QVGXTVL3682LY

Marcela’s personal Back to Life giving code: BTL-006

Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding payment.

Thank you for partnering with Back to Life! Together we will be a part of ending the culture of loss and death that has lingered over the nation for far too long.
Together we will call the nation… Back to Life!



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Filed under Back to Life, Pro-LIFE

Tiempo De Clamor – A Time to Cry Out

Tomorrow, Pastors and Leaders in California will be coming together to

cry out to the Lord for life and for revival!  Join us in Southern California!

To register for Tiempo De Clamor, click here.

AVIVA Movimiento Hispano De Oracion Para Avivamiento y Pro-vida

Conovoca A Pastores, Lideres y a Todo El Pueblo De Dios a…


Con Pastor Netz Gomez

Sabado 14 Enero De 2012

9:00am – 12:00pm Entrada Gratuita

1712 S. Glendale Ave.

Glendale, Ca 91205

Salon: The Crucifixion and The Resurrection

Bocadillos se serviran de 8:00am – 9:00am

TheCall AVIVA  – a Hispanic Movement of Prayer For Revival and Pro-life invites you to:


with Pastor Netz Gomez

Saturday, January 14, 2012

9:00am – 12:00pm

Free admission

Snacks will be served 8:00am – 9:00am

1712 S. Glendale Ave.

Glendale, Ca 91205

For more info: http://www.avivamovement.com

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Filed under Pastors-Leader Meeting, Pro-LIFE


AVIVA es un movimiento hispano enfocado en ayunar y orar por avivamiento y el fin del aborto.
El 1ero de Septiembre 2012, AVIVA, llevara acabo una asamblea solemne basada en Joel 2 dirigida por hispanos, sonara la alarma  a favor de la vida y para pedir avivamiento. Un intenso clamor por vida, justicia y misericordia se levantara en la comunidad hispana.
Las cifras de aborto en la comunidad hispana nos provoca a ponernos
de rodillas e interceder por una cultura a favor de la vida. Señor, en tu ira,recuerda tu misericordia.
Habacuc 3:2, “Oh Jehova, he oido tu palabra, y temi. Oh Jehova, aviva tu obra en medio de los tiempos, En medio de los tiempos hazla conocer;  En la ira acurdate de la misericordia.”
Creemos la palabra profetica que Cindy Jacobs le dio a Lou Engle, que
si se casaba con los hispanos, dormia en sus casas y comia su comida,
California se convertiria un estado pro-vida.
La vision de AVIVA es ver miles de bandas de VIDA distribuidas por todos los Estados Unidos. Miles de intercesores en la comunidad cristiana hispana orando la “oracion de la banda de VIDA” todos los dias… “Jesus, rocio tu sangre sobre mis pecados y los pecados de mi nacion, Dios, termina con el aborto y manda avivamiento a los Estados Unidos!”

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